
Showing posts from June, 2021

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/30/2021

View of the bridge deck. Getting forms set along the edge. Checking our alignment. Top of the bridge deck. Checking our elevation. Forms being set beneath the joints.

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/29/2021

View of the bridge deck. Getting the forms set up along the edge. View of the bridge from the upstream side. End bent 4. View of the bridge from the downstream side. Edge of the bridge deck.

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/28/2021

Continuing our work on the bridge deck today. View of the bridge from the upstream side. Getting the edge all put together. View from the centerline. Finishing up the edge of the bridge deck.

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/24/2021

Continuing our work on the bridge deck. Overhang brackets going up. At look of the top. Brackets awaiting installation. Panels and brackets in place near end bent 1.

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/23/2021

A look at the girders that were set yesterday. Bridge deck panels delivered. Getting the bridge deck panels installed.

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/21/2021

Girders have arrived. 6 are set with 3 left to do. Ticket off one of the girders. Getting set in place between bent 1 and bent 2. Girders are all set and look great.

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/18/2021

Cranes are set up and ready for girders. Girders have arrived on site. First one being set into place. On the third girder. 5 total delivered today. Setting the final one for the day. 5 completed. Remaining will be delivered next week.

Round Mountain Bridge - 6/14/2021

Getting work platforms installed on bent 2. Rip rap on bent 4. Getting work platform installed on bent 3.