
Showing posts from April, 2021

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/27/2021

Equipment delivery. Finishing up removing the forms from the box culvert. Work slab in around the piling for end bent 4. CMP delivered. Work slab in around the piling for end bent 1.

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/26/2021

Driving piling today for end bent 1. Hammering is complete. End bent 4 done on Thursday of last week. Cutoffs from end bent 4. Overall view of the project from the south.

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/23/2021

Concrete pour for the box culvert walls. Working on finishing up the pour. Rock delivered and being compacted on the west side of the project. Overall view from the south.

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/22/2021

Burning some stumps that were washed up on site. Forms being set up on box culvert. Concrete pour set for tomorrow morning. Forms are installed and ready. Pile driving today for end bent #4.

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/21/2021

North side of the box culvert has the rebar complete. Will begin setting forms up. South side rebar is being installed by Realm Construction. Tearing out the existing crossing. A lot of busted up concrete being hauled off. Forms being set up as the rebar install is complete.

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/20/2021

Realm Construction is in today tying rebar for the box culvert. Working on getting the walls set. Interior forms are nearly complete. Hartman crew working on this. Dirt work on west side of the project. View from the south. Creek edge has been adjusted.

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/19/2021

Getting forms set up on the interior of the walls for the box culvert. Iron workers will be in tomorrow to tie the rebar. View of the project from the south.

Round Mountain Bridge - 4/15/2021

Concrete has hardened up and looks good. Delivering cylinders to PPI. CMT is out on site today doing survey work for the new bridge. Temporary crossing looks great. A couple of the survey shots. View from the east side of the creek. View from the south side of the projects. Beams delivered for the new bridge.