
Showing posts from July, 2021

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/30/2021

View of bridge from end bent 1. Wing wall on end bent 1. Shaping road between end bent 4 and box culvert. View of bridge from end bent 4. Backfill material being hauled in throughout the day. Rebar tied this morning for approach. View from the top of the bridge looking toward end bent 4.

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/29/2021

View of bridge from end bent 1. Dozer shaping the road near end bent 4. Building the ditch between end bent 4 and box culvert. Prepping area for rip rap to be placed. Trucks delivering material for backfill.

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/27/2021

Tearing out the remainder of the old crossing. Getting the edge of the road work started. Backfilling/grading View of the bridge from end bent 1. Breaking the old crossing for removal.

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/26/2021

View of bridge from end bent 1. Removing overhang brackets on downstream side of bridge. Removing overhang brackets on upstream side of bridge. Overhang brackets being loaded up to be hauled off site. Forms and other materials being hauled off site. View of the bridge deck.

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/23/2021

View of the bridge from end bent 1. View of the bridge from end bent 4. Crew loading up materials to be hauled off site.

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/22/2021

View of bridge from end bent 1. End bent 1 forms stripped. End bent 4 forms stripped. Unloading material for used for backfilling. Prepping end bent 1 for backfill. View of the bridge deck. Prepping end bent 4 for backfill.

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/21/2021

View of bridge deck from end bent 1. Wing wall of end bent 1. Crew working on removing the forms. Loading equipment from the pour yesterday to be hauled off. View of the bridge deck.

Round Mountain Bridge - 7/15/2021

View of the bridge deck from end bent 1. Rebar on the bridge deck. Rebar at end bent 1. View of the bridge deck from end bent 4. Ironworkers getting more rebar laid out to be tied. Rebar work coming along great today.